Job Skills Training
From 2020 to 2024, we provided secure jobs along with hands-on, "live" training in our coffee and ice cream shop. Now, along with our key partners, The Haven and Easterseals, we help provide a wide variety of exceptional programs for adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Both organizations have served the Sarasota area special needs community for many years (The Haven since 1954 and Easterseals since 1946).

Integrated Jobs Program
With the support of programs provided by our nonprofit Inclusion Revolution, we help develop well-trained and motivated individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to fill local employers needs. The focus is on career counseling, job readiness training, placement, follow-along maintenance, job retention, and job accommodation assistance. Application assistance and interview preparation are also provided. In addition, we source and help businesses and organizations prepare to offer employment to our participants.
We are proud to partner with two dedicated organizations, The Haven and Easterseals to lift up and champion for our friends with IDD.

Virtual Reality Program
In partnership with two Sarasota-based live-action 360 video production companies Three Six and Zero and Virtical Reality along with Easterseals Southwest Florida, we have developed a series of Virtual Reality simulation videos that reinforce our job skills training and serve as a refresher tool for our students as they work to gain employment.
The VR videos that have been produced so far cover a variety of subjects including coffee and ice cream shop-specific skills (grinding coffee beans, making espresso drinks, and building ice cream sandwiches), general retail shop skills, interview preparation, and social / customer interaction tips.
Have a peek at one of the modules here and check out this PBS segment featuring our very own Dylan "The Mayor."